Henry is a native Texan but was raised in the Middle East, where he developed a love for anything that is green and growing. He has a B.S. degree in Horticulture and a M.Agr. degree in Floriculture from Texas A&M University. He worked for 12 years at the Antique Rose Emporium where he designed and installed retail nursery display gardens and managed their retail nursery in Independence, TX. He was Garden Director at the Round Top Festival Institute for 16 years, where he oversaw a wide variety of display gardens with the support of many volunteers and coordinated a variety of educational garden-related events.
Henry started at Glasco Landscaping in the spring of 2018 and enjoys doing a wide variety of jobs and having the chance to be outside and see the local countryside as it changes through the seasons. His vast knowledge of horticulture, creativity and attention to detail allows him to provide top notch customer service to all of his clients. He specializes in providing seasonal pot change outs, has a wealth of knowledge about water features and excels in creating cutting and herb gardens for his clients!
He loves to do just about anything that relates to gardening. He is a member of The Herb Society of America and has a particular love for growing herbs and using them in the kitchen and home. And we all particularly enjoy sampling his culinary creations! He is also particularly fond of roses and any plants that have a wonderful fragrance. He occasionally gives lectures and enjoys writing on a variety of plant-related topics. At home he gardens with his wife, Melissa. They have removed all but a token section of turf and have filled their landscape with a vast, and often changing, selection of both old and new favorite plants.